Why do my dreams always seam to be reality?
Why dose reality never feel like a dream?
Why do I always yearn for things I could never have?
Why am I not thankful for the much that I have?
Why do I feel so perfect when I know I have yet much to achieve?
Why do I feel so stooped when I know I'm doing the best I can?
Why is this world so confusing?
Why is there no justice?
Why must we fear?
Why can't I figure out who I am?
Why do I feel so safe and at times so scared?
My stomach is rumbling but not from hunger…
My heart is pounding but not from fear…
Where is there a safe place to store my dreams?
Somewhere they will some day come to life?!

so beautiful, i can relate to you so much with these soft yet strong words...
you are a blessed rose, a beautiful soul with a heart softer than beautiful petals...
thanks Jaded!!!
for your ability to understand others to the little details...
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