I was at a bris of my friends son last Friday, her mom flew in from Boston and we sat at the same table, the baby was named Elimelech, after R' Elimelech from Lesenske, who was a student of the baal Shem Tov, anyway we began talking about the greatness of the holy Baal Shem Tov, and then my friends mom said: "I heared a new R' Shlomo story" so we all were quite and listened,
here it is, not sure I remember all the details, but you'll get chills I promise!!!
R' Shlomo was on a plane going somewhere, when he sees a young woman praying and crying bitterly somewhere near him on the plain, he gos over to her and askes: " are you Jewish? and what's the matter, why are you crying?" the young woman replies: "I'm Jewish but my parents are not, I'm in a relationship with a nice Jewish boy but his parents will not allow him to marry me since I am not Jewish from birth" R' Shlomo takes her phone no. and the guy's parents phone no. and says he'll see what he could do...
When R' Shlomo gets to the hotel where he was staying, he gives a call to the guys parents, he tells them he met this nice girl on the plain and that she had told him she was in a relationship with their son, the father of the boy gets upset and says to R' shlomo: "who do you think you are?! we are Holocaust survivors and want nothing to do with this girl, there is nothing to talk about" and he hung up on R' Shlmo...
R' Shlomo then calls the girl, the girl is not home and her father answers the phone, R' Shlomo tells him about his meeting with his doughter and that she told him the story about her relationship with this Jewish boy, the girl's father says to R' shlomo: " who do you think you are? why are you mixing in to this story? we don't want anything to do with this, we are a nice Christian family..." R' Shlomo says: you know God sits and makes matches a third of his time, and I'm just doing my little share... the girl's father suddenly breakes down and begins to cry he says threw his tears: " I'm going to tell you something I've never told a soul, me and my wife are both Jewish and we are Holocaust survivors, after what God did to us we desided to live a Christian life and not have anything to do with Judaism!!!"
As soon as R' Shlomo heard this he called the boys father and said: I have good news for you the girl your son's going out with is Jewish from birth!!!
R' Shlomo arranged for both the girl's and the boy's parents to come meet each other at the hotel where he was staying.
He waited for them in the lobby, as soon as the fathers sew each other they called out: Shloymie!! Yankle!!
they knew eachother from before the war...
Happy to see a holy clean blog, keep up this great blog....
Thanks Shmuel!!
ok, this gave me goosebumps!!
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